I can't remember the last time I actually logged on and read any blogs much less posted anything. I told Megan and Scott the other day that four years ago when we moved. They both said I needed something to do, something to keep me busy, something to get me out of the house. Well their wish definitely came true. If I gave y'all a run-down of a normal week for me you would probably get tired just reading it. Normal I wonder what that even is sometimes.
My lack of blogging I wonder if it is because I am so busy, or my latest addictions that also keep me occupied. Pinterest is one of them, lol. And the other one is games on facebook and just this past week Megan introduced me to Words with Friends on Facebook. It's online Scrabble. But you don't have to sit there for hours. You play your word when you get the chance and Facebook sends your opponent a notification and they play their turn when they get a chance. Mine and Megan's first game took three days, but I had beginner's luck. I won.
Well hopefully I will be back soon on a more regular basis.
I'm waiting I'm waiting on You, Lord And I am hopeful I'm waiting on You, Lord Though it is painful But patiently, I will wait
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
TSMSS...........Let Me Rediscover You
I keep hearing this song on the radio but couldn't ever remember to look up the name of it. So one day when I heard it I jotted down the day and time that it played. Then I looked it up on the radio website to see what the actual name of it was. It has become one of my favorites.
For other great music join Amy over at Signs, Miracles, and Wonders.
For other great music join Amy over at Signs, Miracles, and Wonders.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
YoPlait Yogurt Giveaway
I was just thinking the other day that I needed a day planner for next year. I have one now that is more like a book and I know some people just don't use those type much these days. But I love mine, because I have been so busy this past year. It really helps me to keep everything organized and in one place. I've told Scott if you ever need to know anything just look in my day planner.
So when Blog Spark offered this giveaway needless to say I was a little excited because it included a new daily planner for next year.
But not only that the prize pack includes a coupon for a free cup of Yoplait Light Yogurt.
Small changes can make a big difference over time. That's why Yoplait Light has created the Yoplait Light Swap to remind people that by making simple substitutions, like swapping one item from your diet per day for a 100 to 110 calorie Yoplait Light, you can cut unwanted calories and help yourself feel great about daily diet choices.
Yoplait Light yogurt offers 33 different options to choose from in fruit, pastry and dessert flavors that contain around 100 calories or less, providing endless swapping options.
Visit facebook/Yoplait to share your favorite food, exercise and fashion swaps, find recipes and quizzes. Alison Sweeney, host of "The Biggest Loser" and author of The Mommy Diet, offers this Top Swap Tip on how she maintains her weight with a hectic schedule.
One winner will be drawn next Tuesday, September 27th for the Yoplait prize pack.
It includes the daily planner, the coupon for one free cup of Yoplait Light, an insulated tote bag, a sunglass holder, water bottle, and a ballpoint pen.
To enter please leave a comment telling, which of the 33 available flavors of Yoplait Light yogurt do you plan to swap into your diet the most?
So when Blog Spark offered this giveaway needless to say I was a little excited because it included a new daily planner for next year.
But not only that the prize pack includes a coupon for a free cup of Yoplait Light Yogurt.
Small changes can make a big difference over time. That's why Yoplait Light has created the Yoplait Light Swap to remind people that by making simple substitutions, like swapping one item from your diet per day for a 100 to 110 calorie Yoplait Light, you can cut unwanted calories and help yourself feel great about daily diet choices.
Yoplait Light yogurt offers 33 different options to choose from in fruit, pastry and dessert flavors that contain around 100 calories or less, providing endless swapping options.
Visit facebook/Yoplait to share your favorite food, exercise and fashion swaps, find recipes and quizzes. Alison Sweeney, host of "The Biggest Loser" and author of The Mommy Diet, offers this Top Swap Tip on how she maintains her weight with a hectic schedule.
One winner will be drawn next Tuesday, September 27th for the Yoplait prize pack.
It includes the daily planner, the coupon for one free cup of Yoplait Light, an insulated tote bag, a sunglass holder, water bottle, and a ballpoint pen.
To enter please leave a comment telling, which of the 33 available flavors of Yoplait Light yogurt do you plan to swap into your diet the most?
"Disclosure: The Yoplait Light Swap prize pack, information and coupon have been provided by Yoplait through MyBlogSpark." |
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Hodge Podge Wednesday
It's Wednesday so it's time for another hodgepodge. Link up to Joyce and the gang and learn more about your blogging buddies.
1. What do you do at the first sign of a cold? Will you get a flu shot this year?
Fortunately, I don't get a cold often, and most of the time I just grin and bear it. Unless it gets really bad then it's dayquil, and nyquil. I've never had a fly shot and not really sure when and if I ever will.
2. What advice can you give about how to conquer fear?
That's a hard one for me because my biggest fear is heights. In which seems to get worse with age, and I hate it because I would love to be able to drive through the mountains when the leaves are changing colors.
3. Share two good things about your life right now.
My house is clean for a change. hehehe
I've already started Christmas shopping, and if nothing else I've got the hardest one out of the way.
4. A hot fall fashion trend in 2011 is a return to sixties style...tunics with pants, shift dresses, pencil skirts, cinched waists, bold prints, high necklines and short lengths to name a few. How does this fashion trend fit with your wardrobe and personal sense of style?
Nothing like that in my personal wardrobe. I don't really stay to to date on styles, if I like it, it looks good on me, and I can afford it then it's my style.
5. Were you involved in scouting as a kid? How about as an adult?
I was never in scouting as a kid. But as an adult I have been Co-Leader when Makayla was a Daisy and a Brownie.
6. Apple, pear, plum, pumpkin...your favorite fall flavor?
Hopefully we don't have to choose from just those four. My favorite is pecan, don't really care for fruit.
7. What characteristics do you think are essential in a good teacher?
One that realizes the students potential and encourages them to do all they can do, and not let them by with just enough to get by. One that is kind but firm enough to keep control of a classroom. A love for children and not money. Because as we know teaching is not a high paying job, it's more of a calling.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Another giveaway coming up this week sponsored by Blog sparks, and Yo plait.
1. What do you do at the first sign of a cold? Will you get a flu shot this year?
Fortunately, I don't get a cold often, and most of the time I just grin and bear it. Unless it gets really bad then it's dayquil, and nyquil. I've never had a fly shot and not really sure when and if I ever will.
2. What advice can you give about how to conquer fear?
That's a hard one for me because my biggest fear is heights. In which seems to get worse with age, and I hate it because I would love to be able to drive through the mountains when the leaves are changing colors.
3. Share two good things about your life right now.
My house is clean for a change. hehehe
I've already started Christmas shopping, and if nothing else I've got the hardest one out of the way.
4. A hot fall fashion trend in 2011 is a return to sixties style...tunics with pants, shift dresses, pencil skirts, cinched waists, bold prints, high necklines and short lengths to name a few. How does this fashion trend fit with your wardrobe and personal sense of style?
Nothing like that in my personal wardrobe. I don't really stay to to date on styles, if I like it, it looks good on me, and I can afford it then it's my style.
5. Were you involved in scouting as a kid? How about as an adult?
I was never in scouting as a kid. But as an adult I have been Co-Leader when Makayla was a Daisy and a Brownie.
6. Apple, pear, plum, pumpkin...your favorite fall flavor?
Hopefully we don't have to choose from just those four. My favorite is pecan, don't really care for fruit.
7. What characteristics do you think are essential in a good teacher?
One that realizes the students potential and encourages them to do all they can do, and not let them by with just enough to get by. One that is kind but firm enough to keep control of a classroom. A love for children and not money. Because as we know teaching is not a high paying job, it's more of a calling.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Another giveaway coming up this week sponsored by Blog sparks, and Yo plait.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
TSMSS...................In the arms of an Angel.
Words aren't needed, just watch the video.
God bless us all !!!
For more music join Amy over at Signs, Miracles, and Wonders.
God bless us all !!!
For more music join Amy over at Signs, Miracles, and Wonders.
Friday, September 9, 2011
I have a new addiction.
Megan told me about a website, and once I learned to use it, I have been hooked, addicted is probably a better word.
Pinterest if you aren't addicted to it yet, give it time you may be. It was a little atimidating at first, but once I learned, love it.
So you ask what is pinterest, it's an online bulletin board is the easiest way I know to describe it. Say for example you want halloween costume ideas. Search for them and it will bring up all these other peoples ideas and tell you how to make them yourself.
I have found so many new recipes I want to try, and organizing ideas.
You create your own boards and pin the things you like on them. Then when you need them there they are without cluttering up your favorites list on your computer.
I have already begun looking for new ideas for Christmas. And I have a board of things that I love and wish I had. hint hint.....Christmas is right around the corner family.
Pinterest if you aren't addicted to it yet, give it time you may be. It was a little atimidating at first, but once I learned, love it.
So you ask what is pinterest, it's an online bulletin board is the easiest way I know to describe it. Say for example you want halloween costume ideas. Search for them and it will bring up all these other peoples ideas and tell you how to make them yourself.
I have found so many new recipes I want to try, and organizing ideas.
You create your own boards and pin the things you like on them. Then when you need them there they are without cluttering up your favorites list on your computer.
I have already begun looking for new ideas for Christmas. And I have a board of things that I love and wish I had. hint hint.....Christmas is right around the corner family.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The winner of the chocolate fruit basket is Jan over at Life According to Jan and Jer.
Congratulations Jan, hope you and Jer enjoy it before the grandkids get ahold of it. :) I have forwarded your email to Angela and you should be hearing from her soon.
Thank you to all who entered.
Congratulations Jan, hope you and Jer enjoy it before the grandkids get ahold of it. :) I have forwarded your email to Angela and you should be hearing from her soon.
Thank you to all who entered.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Hodge Podge Wednesday
It's time for another Hodge Podge Wednesday. Join Joyce and learn more about fellow bloggers.
1. Do you think the world became a more dangerous place on September 11, 2001 or did we just become more aware of the danger? How has your own life changed as a result of that day?
I don't think it became more dangerous, I just think we became more aware of the danger. I'm not sure my life has changed because of 9/11. Over the years seeing love ones pass away, or maybe just me getting older I don't seem to be as picky.
2. Did you think your parents were too strict when you were growing up? How about in hindsight? Growing up of course I did. In which we did grow up in a very strict home. We were one of those that knew what we couldn't do, but not what we could do. Now I am so thankful for the way I was raised. I made some bad choices as an adult but I knew that there was a better way. Otherwise I would probably still be a sinner, and not knowing any difference.
3. Share one random but candid fact about yourself.
I have to sleep with a fan blowing on me, year around. Not sure if it's the noise or just the cool breeze.
4. Would your nearest and dearest describe you as simple or far too complicated?
Hopefully simple.
5. What is your favorite stadium or carnival food?
I don't get to many ball games, but carnival food. Hands-down funnel cake.
6. Tornado, hurricane, earthquake...how many of these natural disasters have you experienced? Which event do you think would be the scariest?
Only a hurricane, and then it was only a minor one. Back in the late 70's we were far enough from the coast not to get the brunt of the storm. But we had plenty of rain and no electricity for a few days.
7. Labor Day weekend is approaching so a work related question seems appropriate. Growing up, did your parents assign you regular chores? Were you paid for doing those chores? If you're a parent do you assign chores to your own children? Why or why not?
The only thing I really remember having to do was keep my bedroom clean. Occasionally I remember dusting the furniture and cleaning the mirrors. Other than I guess in the Spring for some reason we would scrap the built up wax around the baseboards.
That last question was inspired by a post Mindee wrote on Monday. Everyone go say hi to Mindee-she blogs at Our Front Door and she's funny.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
If you haven't entered my giveaway, you can do so by going here.
1. Do you think the world became a more dangerous place on September 11, 2001 or did we just become more aware of the danger? How has your own life changed as a result of that day?
I don't think it became more dangerous, I just think we became more aware of the danger. I'm not sure my life has changed because of 9/11. Over the years seeing love ones pass away, or maybe just me getting older I don't seem to be as picky.
2. Did you think your parents were too strict when you were growing up? How about in hindsight? Growing up of course I did. In which we did grow up in a very strict home. We were one of those that knew what we couldn't do, but not what we could do. Now I am so thankful for the way I was raised. I made some bad choices as an adult but I knew that there was a better way. Otherwise I would probably still be a sinner, and not knowing any difference.
3. Share one random but candid fact about yourself.
I have to sleep with a fan blowing on me, year around. Not sure if it's the noise or just the cool breeze.
4. Would your nearest and dearest describe you as simple or far too complicated?
Hopefully simple.
5. What is your favorite stadium or carnival food?
I don't get to many ball games, but carnival food. Hands-down funnel cake.
6. Tornado, hurricane, earthquake...how many of these natural disasters have you experienced? Which event do you think would be the scariest?
Only a hurricane, and then it was only a minor one. Back in the late 70's we were far enough from the coast not to get the brunt of the storm. But we had plenty of rain and no electricity for a few days.
7. Labor Day weekend is approaching so a work related question seems appropriate. Growing up, did your parents assign you regular chores? Were you paid for doing those chores? If you're a parent do you assign chores to your own children? Why or why not?
The only thing I really remember having to do was keep my bedroom clean. Occasionally I remember dusting the furniture and cleaning the mirrors. Other than I guess in the Spring for some reason we would scrap the built up wax around the baseboards.
That last question was inspired by a post Mindee wrote on Monday. Everyone go say hi to Mindee-she blogs at Our Front Door and she's funny.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
If you haven't entered my giveaway, you can do so by going here.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Operation Smile Review and a Giveaway
Were ya'll aware that you can rent college textbooks? I don't have anyone in college but when I was offered the chance to share two great websites, and a giveaway I couldn't pass it up.
Campus Book Rentals makes it very simple. You search the book you need, rent it, and receive your books with free shipping. They have a 30-day guarantee. Any book can be returned within 30 days for 100% refund. You rent your books for as long as you need them, whether it's quarter, or semester with a 15 day grace period for that last minute cramming for exams.
There's tons of perks. Monthly giveaways, textbook scholarships, shirts, and other prizes. Registration is free and you do not have to be a paying customer to win.
But best of all they support the children of Operation Smile.
They have officially teamed up with Operation Smile, an out of this world, awesome organization, that performs life changing cleft lip surgeries on children whose families could not otherwise afford it. The long term Improvement in quality of life for the children that receive these surgeries is almost incomprehensible. They have committed to donating enough to cover a minimum of 1,000 life changing surgeries. They hope To beat that number, but it's a significant commitment.
So for EVERY book rented starting now, they will donate a portion of those proceeds to Operation Smile with their sights set on meeting and exceeding their goal of 1,000 lives changed. So add that extra book to your cart, and consider this goal as you go back to school this year. Thank you for your support.
So what does all this have to do with a giveaway. Operation Smile has generously offered a wonderful chocolate covered fruit basket.
To enter please leave a comment , telling one thing you read about on the Operation Smile website.
Deadline will be next Monday, September 5, 2011.
Campus Book Rentals makes it very simple. You search the book you need, rent it, and receive your books with free shipping. They have a 30-day guarantee. Any book can be returned within 30 days for 100% refund. You rent your books for as long as you need them, whether it's quarter, or semester with a 15 day grace period for that last minute cramming for exams.
There's tons of perks. Monthly giveaways, textbook scholarships, shirts, and other prizes. Registration is free and you do not have to be a paying customer to win.
But best of all they support the children of Operation Smile.
They have officially teamed up with Operation Smile, an out of this world, awesome organization, that performs life changing cleft lip surgeries on children whose families could not otherwise afford it. The long term Improvement in quality of life for the children that receive these surgeries is almost incomprehensible. They have committed to donating enough to cover a minimum of 1,000 life changing surgeries. They hope To beat that number, but it's a significant commitment.
So for EVERY book rented starting now, they will donate a portion of those proceeds to Operation Smile with their sights set on meeting and exceeding their goal of 1,000 lives changed. So add that extra book to your cart, and consider this goal as you go back to school this year. Thank you for your support.
So what does all this have to do with a giveaway. Operation Smile has generously offered a wonderful chocolate covered fruit basket.
To enter please leave a comment , telling one thing you read about on the Operation Smile website.
Deadline will be next Monday, September 5, 2011.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Kathy is the winner of the $25.00 gift card. Please email me your mailing address so I can get it to blogsparks.
I've been offered another giveaway and it will start Monday so keep watching.
Congratulations Kathy and thank you to all who entered.
I've been offered another giveaway and it will start Monday so keep watching.
Congratulations Kathy and thank you to all who entered.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
That First House
Guest post of the week by Nestor Nielsen
Buying my first house was a lesson in patience but I'm really glad I held myself together and waited it out. The place I wanted was a short sale so I had to wait forever the bank to come back and tell me whether or not they'd accepted my offer and when they finally did 4 months later I was ecstatic. I moved in about a month ago and I've been really enjoying being a homeowner! There's nothing better than coming home knowing it's my own place and no one else's and I've been making a lot of improvements so far as well. I put in crown molding all over the place and recently went to HD DIRECT TV to get satellite for the whole house and I'm even considering putting surround sound speakers in every room so I can listen to my music no matter where I am. The possibilities seem endless right now and the only thing holding me back from doing everything is the size of my wallet!
Buying my first house was a lesson in patience but I'm really glad I held myself together and waited it out. The place I wanted was a short sale so I had to wait forever the bank to come back and tell me whether or not they'd accepted my offer and when they finally did 4 months later I was ecstatic. I moved in about a month ago and I've been really enjoying being a homeowner! There's nothing better than coming home knowing it's my own place and no one else's and I've been making a lot of improvements so far as well. I put in crown molding all over the place and recently went to HD DIRECT TV to get satellite for the whole house and I'm even considering putting surround sound speakers in every room so I can listen to my music no matter where I am. The possibilities seem endless right now and the only thing holding me back from doing everything is the size of my wallet!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Wednesday Hodge Podge
It's Wednesday so join Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond. Grab the questions, answer them and link up with the rest of us.
1. Using what's in your frig right now what sort of meal would you be able to make for guests who are knocking at the front door this very minute?
Not much in there, cleaned it out Monday. Just some leftover dirty rice from last night, and plenty of eggs and milk.
2. What is something about yourself that you hope will change but that probably never will?
Being so impatient. I am a now person. Maybe it comes from my Mom when we were younger and told to do something we did it right then. We never said just a minute, or argued that we didn't want to do it.
3. What's something about yourself that you hope will never change?
I would say my faith and love for Jesus, but I hope it grows each and every day. Other than that I'm drawing a blank.
4. Do you usually send serious or funny greeting cards? Why?
Most of the time I try to find one with a Bible verse or some other nice verse on it. So I guess that would be serious.
5. Bird watching, shell gathering, or star gazing- your choice for whiling away the hours?
Shell gathering, love to walk down the beach and look for shells.
6. Do you double or triple check things? If so, what?
Most of the time I do. I always double check that I have my keys, purse, and cell phone before I close the front door when going off. I always double check that Scott has everything he needs for work, and that Makayla has what she needs for school before they walk out the door.
7. What's your favorite place for people watching?
The mall, or Wal-Mart. Some of them makes you wonder did they look in the mirror before they left their house.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
If you haven't entered by giveaway you can do so by this Friday. It's for a 25.00 Wal-Mart gift Card.
1. Using what's in your frig right now what sort of meal would you be able to make for guests who are knocking at the front door this very minute?
Not much in there, cleaned it out Monday. Just some leftover dirty rice from last night, and plenty of eggs and milk.
2. What is something about yourself that you hope will change but that probably never will?
Being so impatient. I am a now person. Maybe it comes from my Mom when we were younger and told to do something we did it right then. We never said just a minute, or argued that we didn't want to do it.
3. What's something about yourself that you hope will never change?
I would say my faith and love for Jesus, but I hope it grows each and every day. Other than that I'm drawing a blank.
4. Do you usually send serious or funny greeting cards? Why?
Most of the time I try to find one with a Bible verse or some other nice verse on it. So I guess that would be serious.
5. Bird watching, shell gathering, or star gazing- your choice for whiling away the hours?
Shell gathering, love to walk down the beach and look for shells.
6. Do you double or triple check things? If so, what?
Most of the time I do. I always double check that I have my keys, purse, and cell phone before I close the front door when going off. I always double check that Scott has everything he needs for work, and that Makayla has what she needs for school before they walk out the door.
7. What's your favorite place for people watching?
The mall, or Wal-Mart. Some of them makes you wonder did they look in the mirror before they left their house.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
If you haven't entered by giveaway you can do so by this Friday. It's for a 25.00 Wal-Mart gift Card.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Wal-Mart Gift Card Giveaway
What better way to help stock up for back to school shopping than a Wal-mart gift card? And while you stock up on your family’s favorites, don’t forget you can earn cash for the participating school of your choice with Box Tops for Education products. I have clipped box tops for education for several years now.
Nature Valley, Cheerios, and Yoplait, is just a few that have them.
So to enter just leave me a comment telling which Box Tops items from General Mills you plan on purchasing.
One winner will be announced next Friday, August 19th.
"Disclosure: The information and $25 gift card to Wal-Mart has been provided by Wal-Mart and General Mills through MyBlogSpark."
Nature Valley, Cheerios, and Yoplait, is just a few that have them.
So to enter just leave me a comment telling which Box Tops items from General Mills you plan on purchasing.
One winner will be announced next Friday, August 19th.
"Disclosure: The information and $25 gift card to Wal-Mart has been provided by Wal-Mart and General Mills through MyBlogSpark."
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Hodge Podge Wednesday
Schools back in so I finally have time for Wednesday Hodgepodge again. Not that school could have much to do with it. Most mornings Makayla slept until at least 11:00. LOL
Anyways you know the drill hop over to Joyce's, grab the questions, answer them, and then link up with the rest of us.
1. Share a favorite song lyric.
I better not see 'I can't think of one' on any body's paper. That's an automatic F in the Wednesday Hodgepodge you know.
Well it is hard to think of just one. hehehe My family would tell you, I drive them crazysometime most of the time with my singing. I can hear a word and think of a song, and just start singing. For example: "crazy" Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely, Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so blue. Well you get the point.
But for a favorite song lyric, I would have to choose from my two favorite songs It Is Well With My Soul, and Amazing Grace. I love the history of the writing of It Is Well.
2. When was the last time someone yelled at you?
This morning, Makayla did while she was getting dressed for school. I told her apparently she wasn't getting enough sleep if she was that grouchy.
3. Money, fame, happiness...are they mutually exclusive?
Well there's the old saying money can't buy happiness, and I don't believe it can. Happiness comes from within. Money to do for others can bring joy in our lives, like watching our children/grandchildren opening their presents on Christmas morning. I always try to look for that one special one that I call their WOW present. One that lights up their eyes and brings out a shrill of excitement.
4. What is your favorite dish to prepare for family and friends that doesn't require turning on the stove, oven or an outdoor grill?
There's not much I make that doesn't require some type of cooking. All I can think of at the moment is No-Bake Cookies. Yum!!!
5. The first week of August is National Simplify Your Life Week. What is one thing you could do this week to simplify your life? Will you do it?
I have DE-cluttered quite a bit, but I'm sure there is more I could do. Will I do it, not totally this week.
6. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being 100% and 1 being not at all) how tuned in are you to your country's national political scene?
I would say a 8. Because if I was totally tuned in, my blood pressure would probably be sky high. I can't understand how they can justify even considering bothering the incomes of the elderly, or any that are military related, whether currently serving or a veteran.
7. What are your final parting words to the month of July?
It's been a hot, dry one. Please send cooler temperatures, and some rain.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I should probably be cleaning house, but the mess will still be here this afternoon.
Anyways you know the drill hop over to Joyce's, grab the questions, answer them, and then link up with the rest of us.
1. Share a favorite song lyric.
I better not see 'I can't think of one' on any body's paper. That's an automatic F in the Wednesday Hodgepodge you know.
Well it is hard to think of just one. hehehe My family would tell you, I drive them crazy
But for a favorite song lyric, I would have to choose from my two favorite songs It Is Well With My Soul, and Amazing Grace. I love the history of the writing of It Is Well.
2. When was the last time someone yelled at you?
This morning, Makayla did while she was getting dressed for school. I told her apparently she wasn't getting enough sleep if she was that grouchy.
3. Money, fame, happiness...are they mutually exclusive?
Well there's the old saying money can't buy happiness, and I don't believe it can. Happiness comes from within. Money to do for others can bring joy in our lives, like watching our children/grandchildren opening their presents on Christmas morning. I always try to look for that one special one that I call their WOW present. One that lights up their eyes and brings out a shrill of excitement.
4. What is your favorite dish to prepare for family and friends that doesn't require turning on the stove, oven or an outdoor grill?
There's not much I make that doesn't require some type of cooking. All I can think of at the moment is No-Bake Cookies. Yum!!!
5. The first week of August is National Simplify Your Life Week. What is one thing you could do this week to simplify your life? Will you do it?
I have DE-cluttered quite a bit, but I'm sure there is more I could do. Will I do it, not totally this week.
6. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being 100% and 1 being not at all) how tuned in are you to your country's national political scene?
I would say a 8. Because if I was totally tuned in, my blood pressure would probably be sky high. I can't understand how they can justify even considering bothering the incomes of the elderly, or any that are military related, whether currently serving or a veteran.
7. What are your final parting words to the month of July?
It's been a hot, dry one. Please send cooler temperatures, and some rain.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I should probably be cleaning house, but the mess will still be here this afternoon.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
How many do you follow?
I get so overwhelmed when I realize how many blogs I follow. I think of unfollowing some, but then how does a person choose which ones. At the present I follow 226 blogs. There is no way I can read all them everyday and write a post myself. May be that's why I don't write, I'm too busy reading. lol
I wonder what is the average number of blogs to follow. I know others have written about this same subject. So, how do ya'll come to a happy medium? I stopped a long time ago following blogs just to enter a giveaway. Unless it's a blog that really peaks my interest, I'm not going to follow it to try and win. I also will never ask for followers to win a giveaway on my blog anymore unless required by sponsor of giveaway.
School started back yesterday so hopefully my life will slow down a little. Makayla started middle school this year. Seems like only yesterday I can still remember taking Megan (my oldest daughter) to her first day of Kindergarten. I cried all the way home everyday for the first week. Now in just two short years her Emily will start Pre-K. Time is going by way too fast. I want the slow, simple life we had when I was younger again.
I wonder what is the average number of blogs to follow. I know others have written about this same subject. So, how do ya'll come to a happy medium? I stopped a long time ago following blogs just to enter a giveaway. Unless it's a blog that really peaks my interest, I'm not going to follow it to try and win. I also will never ask for followers to win a giveaway on my blog anymore unless required by sponsor of giveaway.
School started back yesterday so hopefully my life will slow down a little. Makayla started middle school this year. Seems like only yesterday I can still remember taking Megan (my oldest daughter) to her first day of Kindergarten. I cried all the way home everyday for the first week. Now in just two short years her Emily will start Pre-K. Time is going by way too fast. I want the slow, simple life we had when I was younger again.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Summer is flying by way too fast.
It seems like the summer is going by faster and faster every year. Makayla's last day of school was at the end of May and she goes back at the beginning of August. Only a two month break, whatever happened to having three months?
It seems like we never slow down but don't really do a whole lot. So just a quick re-cap of our summer so far. The birth of our grandson Everett, and the wedding of Chris and Shanea. Makayla and I have went to see a couple of movies Monte Carlo, and Mr. Poppers. They were both very cute family movies. She's had two field trips with 4-H. Today is one of them, she will be touring a bakery and decorating a cake. Yum!!! We spent the 4th of July at the local water park and then went back that night and watched the fireworks.
This week is Vacation Bible School, and I am teaching the 3-4 year old. It's a blast but tiring, but well worth all the work everyone puts into it.
I guess that about sums up our summer so far. Hopefully soon I will have time to post some pictures of Chris and Shanea's wedding.
It seems like we never slow down but don't really do a whole lot. So just a quick re-cap of our summer so far. The birth of our grandson Everett, and the wedding of Chris and Shanea. Makayla and I have went to see a couple of movies Monte Carlo, and Mr. Poppers. They were both very cute family movies. She's had two field trips with 4-H. Today is one of them, she will be touring a bakery and decorating a cake. Yum!!! We spent the 4th of July at the local water park and then went back that night and watched the fireworks.
This week is Vacation Bible School, and I am teaching the 3-4 year old. It's a blast but tiring, but well worth all the work everyone puts into it.
I guess that about sums up our summer so far. Hopefully soon I will have time to post some pictures of Chris and Shanea's wedding.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Hodge Podge Wednesday
Wednesday Hodge Podge time link up with Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond.
1. What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don't have a bucket list let's pretend you do.
I don't have a bucket list, but if I did. Travel, I would love to travel and see God's beauty in other parts of the world.
2. What makes a good dad?
One that loves their children unconditionally, and is always there for them no matter the distance. One that will discipline them and is consistent in their discipline. Children learn by example, and I hate the phrase do as I say not as I do. Because children are watching us to be their role models. They need our love and time more than material things.
I had a wonderful Dad, he never raised his voice to get our attention but we knew when he meant business. We knew he loved us and provided what we needed. With six of us there wasn't alot of room for wants, but we turned out just fine.
3. Are you afraid of insects? Which ones?
Not really.
4. We're barbecuing...what's on the grill at your house?
It doesn't matter to me because if the grill is going it means I'm not cooking.
5. Do you believe that playing is more important than winning? Yes I do. Absolutely.
6. Do you tan? Use self tanners? Visit tanning salons? See your dermatologist at least once a year?
If we go to the beach or if I'm out in the sun I usually burn a little the first time then tan. I have never used self tanners or been to a tanning salon. As I get older a good tan isn't as important to me as it was when I was younger.
7. Five years ago I would never imagine that today I would_______________.
Be a Nana. Much less have two grandchildren in a two year span. And now a step-grandson. But I love it. There's nothing like it.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm tired of being tired. I go back to the Doctor tomorrow since at this time I can't afford surgery. But I hope there is something that can be done. Because this is getting really old and depressing. On a happier note will be posting pictures of Chris and Shanea's wedding soon. It was a beautiful wedding.
1. What is one thing on your bucket list? If you don't have a bucket list let's pretend you do.
I don't have a bucket list, but if I did. Travel, I would love to travel and see God's beauty in other parts of the world.
2. What makes a good dad?
One that loves their children unconditionally, and is always there for them no matter the distance. One that will discipline them and is consistent in their discipline. Children learn by example, and I hate the phrase do as I say not as I do. Because children are watching us to be their role models. They need our love and time more than material things.
I had a wonderful Dad, he never raised his voice to get our attention but we knew when he meant business. We knew he loved us and provided what we needed. With six of us there wasn't alot of room for wants, but we turned out just fine.
3. Are you afraid of insects? Which ones?
Not really.
4. We're barbecuing...what's on the grill at your house?
It doesn't matter to me because if the grill is going it means I'm not cooking.
5. Do you believe that playing is more important than winning? Yes I do. Absolutely.
6. Do you tan? Use self tanners? Visit tanning salons? See your dermatologist at least once a year?
If we go to the beach or if I'm out in the sun I usually burn a little the first time then tan. I have never used self tanners or been to a tanning salon. As I get older a good tan isn't as important to me as it was when I was younger.
7. Five years ago I would never imagine that today I would_______________.
Be a Nana. Much less have two grandchildren in a two year span. And now a step-grandson. But I love it. There's nothing like it.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm tired of being tired. I go back to the Doctor tomorrow since at this time I can't afford surgery. But I hope there is something that can be done. Because this is getting really old and depressing. On a happier note will be posting pictures of Chris and Shanea's wedding soon. It was a beautiful wedding.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Wednesday Hodge Podge
My pictures are working again so I'm a happy camper. hehehe
It's Wednesday Hodge Podge so answer the questions and link up with Joyce. But I still can't comment on everyone's blog. So if I don't comment I've probably read it, typed a comment, and then sent to the sign in page of blogger. GRRRRR!!!
1. Do you and your family enjoy camping? What do you enjoy most/like the least when it comes to family camping? When was the last time you camped?
We've never been as a family other than in the backyard and that doesn't ever last all night. Scott and I have been a couple of times but not as often as we would like. I love getting away because it is so peaceful. No TV, video games, etc. But I hate it when you get caught in a rainstorm and the water comes in the tent in the middle of the night. It's been a few years since we have been.
2. Did you attend a summer camp when you were a kid? Is that a happy or not so happy memory?
I did as a teenager a few time. I enjoyed it, even if one year as soon as I got there I twisted my ankle. But there were alot of fun memories.
3. Over the course of your life, what have you probably spent more time pondering than anything else?
There's always a hard question thrown in the mix.
4. Which of the seven natural wonders of the world would you most like to see? There are many lists of 'wonders' but this is the standard natural wonder list-Mount Everest, The Great Barrier Reef, The Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, The Harbor of Rio de Janerio, Paricutan Volcano and The Northern Lights.
Hard to narrow down to just one but I'm terrified of heights, and love the beach. So I will pick The Harbor of Rio do Janerio.
5. What was your first real job?
I was a waitress at Shoney's.
6. Lemonade or Sweet tea...which do you prefer on a hot summer day?
Funny about the only time I drink lemonade is with boiled peanuts. Sweet tea is good but I mostly drink water.
7. What is something that always brings a smile to your face?
Hugs and kisses from the people I love.
Picture overload of Everett. Now that I can finally post them on blogger.
It's Wednesday Hodge Podge so answer the questions and link up with Joyce. But I still can't comment on everyone's blog. So if I don't comment I've probably read it, typed a comment, and then sent to the sign in page of blogger. GRRRRR!!!
1. Do you and your family enjoy camping? What do you enjoy most/like the least when it comes to family camping? When was the last time you camped?
We've never been as a family other than in the backyard and that doesn't ever last all night. Scott and I have been a couple of times but not as often as we would like. I love getting away because it is so peaceful. No TV, video games, etc. But I hate it when you get caught in a rainstorm and the water comes in the tent in the middle of the night. It's been a few years since we have been.
2. Did you attend a summer camp when you were a kid? Is that a happy or not so happy memory?
I did as a teenager a few time. I enjoyed it, even if one year as soon as I got there I twisted my ankle. But there were alot of fun memories.
3. Over the course of your life, what have you probably spent more time pondering than anything else?
There's always a hard question thrown in the mix.
4. Which of the seven natural wonders of the world would you most like to see? There are many lists of 'wonders' but this is the standard natural wonder list-Mount Everest, The Great Barrier Reef, The Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, The Harbor of Rio de Janerio, Paricutan Volcano and The Northern Lights.
Hard to narrow down to just one but I'm terrified of heights, and love the beach. So I will pick The Harbor of Rio do Janerio.
5. What was your first real job?
I was a waitress at Shoney's.
6. Lemonade or Sweet tea...which do you prefer on a hot summer day?
Funny about the only time I drink lemonade is with boiled peanuts. Sweet tea is good but I mostly drink water.
7. What is something that always brings a smile to your face?
Hugs and kisses from the people I love.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Picture overload of Everett. Now that I can finally post them on blogger.
Friday, June 3, 2011
I'm Nana again!!!
Megan finally had the baby today. She called me about 3:00 this morning to come be with Emily while she and Denny went to the birthing center. They got to the birthing center about 5:00 and she was already 7 centimeters. So we thought it wouldn't take long before he was born. Denny called me at 9:00 and said they had been sent to a hospital in an ambulance that there were some complications.
Finally Megan called me a little after 11:00 from recovery. They had to do a c-section, but Megan did great considering she wanted it to be a natural birth.
They still have decided on a name, but I call him a sumo wrestler. He weighed 10lbs and 3 ounces and is 22 inches long. He won't wear any of his newborn clothing. The pediatric Doctor on-call said he looks to be two months old already.
But thankfully Mom and baby are doing great.
I still can't get any pictures to upload so if you have a facebook you can find some on there that I shared from Megan's page.. Just email me if you need to.
Finally Megan called me a little after 11:00 from recovery. They had to do a c-section, but Megan did great considering she wanted it to be a natural birth.
They still have decided on a name, but I call him a sumo wrestler. He weighed 10lbs and 3 ounces and is 22 inches long. He won't wear any of his newborn clothing. The pediatric Doctor on-call said he looks to be two months old already.
But thankfully Mom and baby are doing great.
I still can't get any pictures to upload so if you have a facebook you can find some on there that I shared from Megan's page.. Just email me if you need to.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Hodge Podge Wednesday
It's Wednesday so it's time for Hodge Podge. Grab the questions and link up over at Joyce's for all the fun.
1. Have you ever been to the US capital-Washington DC? If so, what's your favorite site? If not, what would you most like to see on a visit to that city someday in the future? Is it even on your list of places to visit?
Yes I have, don't remember the exact year but I know it was in the late 70's. I don't know which would be my favorite, but I do remember seeing the changing of the guards, the White House, the Capitol, and The Washington Monument. One other thing that sticks out in my mind is that Queen Elizabeth was there that week also. My Mom still has a picture of her coming down the steps to get into her car. I would love to go back and take the kids one day.
2. When did you last attend a wedding? Are there any weddings on your summer calendar? Were you a summer bride? If you're single, is summer the season of your dream wedding?
The last one I can remember would have been my niece's wedding in August 2007.
Chris (my step-son) is getting married June 11th.
No neither one of my weddings were in the summer. The first one was in December, and the second one in March.
3. What is your favorite way to eat strawberries?
Don't care much for fruit, but I do like to toss some strawberries in the blender with a little bit of sugar and ice.
4. What is one thing you are especially looking forward to this summer?
Several things. The birth of our grandson. Chris and Shanea's wedding.
and as always sleeping late.
5. Do you use/like the self checker at the grocery store?
At first I refused to use it because I felt like it was keeping someone form working/or having a job. But now if I only have a couple of things I will use them.
6. Share a favorite piece of common sense advice.
7. Barefoot, flip flops, tennis shoes, sassy sandals-your first choice for summertime?
flip flops, only because you can't go in public places barefoot.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I can't post any pictures. I don't often but today it tells me server rejected. Grrrr!!!!
1. Have you ever been to the US capital-Washington DC? If so, what's your favorite site? If not, what would you most like to see on a visit to that city someday in the future? Is it even on your list of places to visit?
Yes I have, don't remember the exact year but I know it was in the late 70's. I don't know which would be my favorite, but I do remember seeing the changing of the guards, the White House, the Capitol, and The Washington Monument. One other thing that sticks out in my mind is that Queen Elizabeth was there that week also. My Mom still has a picture of her coming down the steps to get into her car. I would love to go back and take the kids one day.
2. When did you last attend a wedding? Are there any weddings on your summer calendar? Were you a summer bride? If you're single, is summer the season of your dream wedding?
The last one I can remember would have been my niece's wedding in August 2007.
Chris (my step-son) is getting married June 11th.
No neither one of my weddings were in the summer. The first one was in December, and the second one in March.
3. What is your favorite way to eat strawberries?
Don't care much for fruit, but I do like to toss some strawberries in the blender with a little bit of sugar and ice.
4. What is one thing you are especially looking forward to this summer?
Several things. The birth of our grandson. Chris and Shanea's wedding.
and as always sleeping late.
5. Do you use/like the self checker at the grocery store?
At first I refused to use it because I felt like it was keeping someone form working/or having a job. But now if I only have a couple of things I will use them.
6. Share a favorite piece of common sense advice.
7. Barefoot, flip flops, tennis shoes, sassy sandals-your first choice for summertime?
flip flops, only because you can't go in public places barefoot.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I can't post any pictures. I don't often but today it tells me server rejected. Grrrr!!!!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
TSMSS................Praise You In This Storm
Then Sing My Soul Saturday over at Amy's.
I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Megan still hasn't had the baby. Her actual due date is Tuesday, but at her appointment Thursday they told her they didn't think she would make it through the weekend.
So hopefully we will have a grandson soon.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
My heart is heavy this morning for our church. We received some devastating news last night and it's just so unbelievable. Our youth pastor was arrested Tuesday afternoon for child molestation charges. As of now all we know is pretty much what the police report says, that there is at least 3 counts, maybe more.
But through God's grace our church will move on. My heart hurts for all the youth that trusted him and are now hurt. We have a wonderful group of youth that have been on several mission trips and aren't ashamed to witness to their friends at school.
My prayer is that the youth won't let this get them discouraged, but will lean on God for the answers and healing that they need.
But through God's grace our church will move on. My heart hurts for all the youth that trusted him and are now hurt. We have a wonderful group of youth that have been on several mission trips and aren't ashamed to witness to their friends at school.
My prayer is that the youth won't let this get them discouraged, but will lean on God for the answers and healing that they need.
Monday, May 23, 2011
The Biggest Loser is Great
Written by my friend Teodoro Martin
There are a lot of reality shows that a person can choose to watch. Many of them are really very good. Some are not. One of the best of these is on NBC. I watch it on my Direct TV. It is called The Biggest Loser and it follows the adventures of extremely fat people.
The people on The Biggest Loser are so fat that many of them have trouble doing even the most basic workouts. It is fun to see how hug their bellies are when they come on the show. I would not believe that people could get this enormously fat if I did not see it with my own eyes. Many of them are over 400 pounds.
The best part about this show is watching all of these tremendously fat human beings try to lose their extra body weight. Each week, the show has a weigh in. It is very dramatic. The people who lose the least weight have to go home and can no longer workout with the incredible trainers the show provides. Basically, it could be a death sentence for these poor people. That is why it is so compelling to watch this show. People act like they are fighting for their lives just because they can't stop stuffing their faces. I love it.
The Biggest Loser is the best show on television.
There are a lot of reality shows that a person can choose to watch. Many of them are really very good. Some are not. One of the best of these is on NBC. I watch it on my Direct TV. It is called The Biggest Loser and it follows the adventures of extremely fat people.
The people on The Biggest Loser are so fat that many of them have trouble doing even the most basic workouts. It is fun to see how hug their bellies are when they come on the show. I would not believe that people could get this enormously fat if I did not see it with my own eyes. Many of them are over 400 pounds.
The best part about this show is watching all of these tremendously fat human beings try to lose their extra body weight. Each week, the show has a weigh in. It is very dramatic. The people who lose the least weight have to go home and can no longer workout with the incredible trainers the show provides. Basically, it could be a death sentence for these poor people. That is why it is so compelling to watch this show. People act like they are fighting for their lives just because they can't stop stuffing their faces. I love it.
The Biggest Loser is the best show on television.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
TSMSS.............No More Night
If you have seen the news any at all this week everyone is talking about Harold Camping's prediction of the world ending today. If anything he's making a laughing stock out of the christian. Because if anyone reads their Bible they know that nobody knows the day nor the hour.
But as a christian why should we worry? We should be excited not dreading it. My only concern is those that are not ready. It breaks my heart to know I have family and friends that aren't ready.
While looking for a song for today I came across this one and I think it says it better than I can.
For more great music join Amy at Signs, Miracles, and Wonders.
But as a christian why should we worry? We should be excited not dreading it. My only concern is those that are not ready. It breaks my heart to know I have family and friends that aren't ready.
While looking for a song for today I came across this one and I think it says it better than I can.
For more great music join Amy at Signs, Miracles, and Wonders.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Be prepared...............VENTING
All along the Doctor has known that I don't have insurance and that I'm self-pay. Go through previous procedures with minimal payment other than D&C. It nearly drained my wonderful Mil's savings account. So today I go in for another test, and meet with the surgery co-ordinator. She has the wonderful job of telling me that the hysterectomy will cost me 9410.00, but if we can pay in full it will be 20% off. If not then we need at least half by pre-op.
While in the office I couldn't help but notice all the young girls pregnant and seeing them on medicaid. I'm sorry but it's frustrating to know they made a choice to have a baby. I don't have the choice of having to have surgery.
On a brighter note. Megan had her check-up yesterday. She is completely effaced and dialated to three. So the only thing holding him in is no contractions and her water hasn't broke. So hopefully our grandson will be here soon and I won't have to worry about other stuff for a few days.
While in the office I couldn't help but notice all the young girls pregnant and seeing them on medicaid. I'm sorry but it's frustrating to know they made a choice to have a baby. I don't have the choice of having to have surgery.
On a brighter note. Megan had her check-up yesterday. She is completely effaced and dialated to three. So the only thing holding him in is no contractions and her water hasn't broke. So hopefully our grandson will be here soon and I won't have to worry about other stuff for a few days.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Wednesday Hodge Podge
Let's try this again. I had the entire post typed out and then it all just disappeared. Blogger is really trying my patience. Anyways it's Wednesday so it's time for Joyce's Hodge Podge.
1. What reveals more about a woman-her refrigerator or her purse?
Her purse. Even though I'm not one of those women that carry a big purse, but I have seen some that's big enough to carry everything but the kitchen sink in it.
2. When was the last time you went to the zoo? Where? What's your favorite zoo animal?
I took Brianna, Kenneth, and Makayla to the Jacksonville Zoo during Spring Break in 2008.
Not sure I have a favorite but anything but the reptile section is fine.
3. What social issue fires you up?
There is quite a few, but I will choose one that's effecting me and Makayla. Bullying, she has had to deal with it more this year than any other. Nothing major but it's frustrating that our kids can't just go to school and learn. But they have to deal with bullying. I picked her up yesterday a little early for a dentist appointment. When she got in the car she broke down crying and I asked her what in the world was wrong. She said they were out on the playground and another girl had a tic-tac mint container and kept opening and closing it right in her face. Finally I guess it got the best of her and she said she pushed the girl away from her. So naturally the other girl went and told the teacher, and the teacher told Makayla she was in trouble. But then they came and got her and told her I was there to pick her up.
I made light of the fact of her being in trouble. Maybe that was wrong, but she's like me she takes so much and then she just lets them have it.
4. Are you a coupon clipper? If so, are you extreme?
I take it by spells. I go for weeks clipping and printing and then I stop. I have never been one of those that saved more than they spent. Just don't understand how they do that.
5. What is one of your favorite souvenirs brought back from your travels?
Not that many travels, but I do enjoy taking lots of pictures.
6. Lemon meringue or key lime?
Neither one really as far as pie. But I do like key lime cake, and candy.
7. What is the most beautiful word you know in any language?
Strange that you ask, my status on Facebook today is:
Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the Reach of God's grace
& your best days are never so good that you are beyond the Need of God's grace
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm tired of being so busy. I enjoy having something to do, but it's taking away my blogging time and catching up with my blogging friends.
Our church had a yard sale last Saturday, Thursday night we sorted everything, Friday we priced everything, and then Saturday was the sale. I was tired, very tired. Then Monday back to Savannah to my Mil's to pack and clean. Will we ever get done? God bless her soul, she gets distracted and just when I think we're going to throw some stuff away she decides to keep it. And has to tell me the story behind it.
Then yesterday Makayla had Dentist appt, tomorrow Mil goes for routine check-up at her Doctor,and then Friday I go back to the Doctor.
Megan called me Monday and asked if I was so busy that when the baby is born will I be there. I told her we never plan appts. or packing on Wednesdays so she needed to go in labor on a Wednesday. hehehe
She's 38 weeks so right now she really doesn't care what day of the week he is born on. She's just ready for him to be born.
But next Wednesday would be pretty cool, because it would be a week before Megan's birthday, and Emily was born a week before her Daddy's birthday. I'm just weird like that. Just like I told Scott the other day that my oldest child got married a week before his youngest son's birthday. And now his oldest child is getting married a week after my youngest child's birthday.
1. What reveals more about a woman-her refrigerator or her purse?
Her purse. Even though I'm not one of those women that carry a big purse, but I have seen some that's big enough to carry everything but the kitchen sink in it.
2. When was the last time you went to the zoo? Where? What's your favorite zoo animal?
I took Brianna, Kenneth, and Makayla to the Jacksonville Zoo during Spring Break in 2008.
Not sure I have a favorite but anything but the reptile section is fine.
3. What social issue fires you up?
There is quite a few, but I will choose one that's effecting me and Makayla. Bullying, she has had to deal with it more this year than any other. Nothing major but it's frustrating that our kids can't just go to school and learn. But they have to deal with bullying. I picked her up yesterday a little early for a dentist appointment. When she got in the car she broke down crying and I asked her what in the world was wrong. She said they were out on the playground and another girl had a tic-tac mint container and kept opening and closing it right in her face. Finally I guess it got the best of her and she said she pushed the girl away from her. So naturally the other girl went and told the teacher, and the teacher told Makayla she was in trouble. But then they came and got her and told her I was there to pick her up.
I made light of the fact of her being in trouble. Maybe that was wrong, but she's like me she takes so much and then she just lets them have it.
4. Are you a coupon clipper? If so, are you extreme?
I take it by spells. I go for weeks clipping and printing and then I stop. I have never been one of those that saved more than they spent. Just don't understand how they do that.
5. What is one of your favorite souvenirs brought back from your travels?
Not that many travels, but I do enjoy taking lots of pictures.
6. Lemon meringue or key lime?
Neither one really as far as pie. But I do like key lime cake, and candy.
7. What is the most beautiful word you know in any language?
Strange that you ask, my status on Facebook today is:
Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the Reach of God's grace
& your best days are never so good that you are beyond the Need of God's grace
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm tired of being so busy. I enjoy having something to do, but it's taking away my blogging time and catching up with my blogging friends.
Our church had a yard sale last Saturday, Thursday night we sorted everything, Friday we priced everything, and then Saturday was the sale. I was tired, very tired. Then Monday back to Savannah to my Mil's to pack and clean. Will we ever get done? God bless her soul, she gets distracted and just when I think we're going to throw some stuff away she decides to keep it. And has to tell me the story behind it.
Then yesterday Makayla had Dentist appt, tomorrow Mil goes for routine check-up at her Doctor,and then Friday I go back to the Doctor.
Megan called me Monday and asked if I was so busy that when the baby is born will I be there. I told her we never plan appts. or packing on Wednesdays so she needed to go in labor on a Wednesday. hehehe
She's 38 weeks so right now she really doesn't care what day of the week he is born on. She's just ready for him to be born.
But next Wednesday would be pretty cool, because it would be a week before Megan's birthday, and Emily was born a week before her Daddy's birthday. I'm just weird like that. Just like I told Scott the other day that my oldest child got married a week before his youngest son's birthday. And now his oldest child is getting married a week after my youngest child's birthday.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Wednesday Hodge Podge
Wednesday Hodgepodge, such a great way to meet and get to know other bloggers. Joyce comes up with some interesting questions each week.
1. How many times in your life have you moved house?
I could probably write an entire post on this question. I lived in the same house from birth until I got married.
Then in my first marriage we moved I believe it was fourteen times. No we weren't in the military, somehow my husband seemed to enjoy moving. When we divorced the kids and I moved into an apartment for a year or so, until we could move into a house. I wanted a house with a yard for them. We lived there until I married Scott. Then he and I have moved twice. The house we're in now, we're buying and he says his next move with be when six men carry him out of a church horizontally.
I have helped numerous friends move and am now in the process of packing up my Mil's belongings, to get the house ready to sell. She continues to live with us. But she says in a year or so when her vision is restored she would like to move out on her on.
*On that note, for you older bloggers that have lived in the same house twenty plus years. Don't save "EVERYTHING" over the years. We have found bill receipts that's over ten years old, empty boxes, worn out clothes, etc. I could go on and on. :)
2. What subject would you study if you had a year to devote to it?
I can think of three things I would really like to learn to do. Quilt, play the piano, and speak Spanish. But to choose one of those I think it would be to learn Spanish, so when I'm in Wal-mart I could understand what some others are saying.
3. What in this world breaks your heart?
Knowing that I have family and friends that haven't accepted Jesus as their Saviour. And that if He came back right now or it was their time to go they would spend eternity in hell.
4. What is one item that symbolizes the times in which we live? Why?
My first thought was the disrespect teen-agers has. But that's not an item. Technology but it would have to break down to the cell phone. Some people just think they can't live without them. That they would literally die.
5. Share a favorite bumper sticker or t-shirt slogan.
The only one I can think of is one our Pastor says alot. It's not about us but it's about Him.
6. How do you like your spaghetti?
I think I have answered this one somewhere before. I eat my spaghetti with ketchup instead of spaghetti sauce. Somehow when I was younger that's how my Grandmother made it for me and it has stuck.
7. What is one piece of advice you would give a recent, or soon to be recent, graduate?
Put God first and everything else will fall in place.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I go back to the Doctor in the morning at 9:30 for the results of my procedure last week. Thank ya'll so much for your prayers. I've heard people say they can feel when people are praying for them, and this week I have definetly felt ya'lls prayers.
1. How many times in your life have you moved house?
I could probably write an entire post on this question. I lived in the same house from birth until I got married.
Then in my first marriage we moved I believe it was fourteen times. No we weren't in the military, somehow my husband seemed to enjoy moving. When we divorced the kids and I moved into an apartment for a year or so, until we could move into a house. I wanted a house with a yard for them. We lived there until I married Scott. Then he and I have moved twice. The house we're in now, we're buying and he says his next move with be when six men carry him out of a church horizontally.
I have helped numerous friends move and am now in the process of packing up my Mil's belongings, to get the house ready to sell. She continues to live with us. But she says in a year or so when her vision is restored she would like to move out on her on.
*On that note, for you older bloggers that have lived in the same house twenty plus years. Don't save "EVERYTHING" over the years. We have found bill receipts that's over ten years old, empty boxes, worn out clothes, etc. I could go on and on. :)
2. What subject would you study if you had a year to devote to it?
I can think of three things I would really like to learn to do. Quilt, play the piano, and speak Spanish. But to choose one of those I think it would be to learn Spanish, so when I'm in Wal-mart I could understand what some others are saying.
3. What in this world breaks your heart?
Knowing that I have family and friends that haven't accepted Jesus as their Saviour. And that if He came back right now or it was their time to go they would spend eternity in hell.
4. What is one item that symbolizes the times in which we live? Why?
My first thought was the disrespect teen-agers has. But that's not an item. Technology but it would have to break down to the cell phone. Some people just think they can't live without them. That they would literally die.
5. Share a favorite bumper sticker or t-shirt slogan.
The only one I can think of is one our Pastor says alot. It's not about us but it's about Him.
6. How do you like your spaghetti?
I think I have answered this one somewhere before. I eat my spaghetti with ketchup instead of spaghetti sauce. Somehow when I was younger that's how my Grandmother made it for me and it has stuck.
7. What is one piece of advice you would give a recent, or soon to be recent, graduate?
Put God first and everything else will fall in place.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I go back to the Doctor in the morning at 9:30 for the results of my procedure last week. Thank ya'll so much for your prayers. I've heard people say they can feel when people are praying for them, and this week I have definetly felt ya'lls prayers.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
TSMSS.........Till The storm Passes By
I looked for Joy Comes in the Morning but couldn't find it so I settled on this one. For other great music join Amy over at Signs, Miracles, and Wonders. Not the greatest video but the sound is great.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Update on today's procedure
I went to sleep as soon as I got home. Was pretty loopy, from the pain meds. The doctor says that he thinks it looked benign, but would know more when the pathology report comes back. I go back to the doctor on the 12th to find out the results. But he did say that he sees a hysterectomy in the near future.
Thank ya'll for all the prayers, and encouraging comments. Ya'll have been there so much for me in the past year and there's not words to express my appreciation.
Thank ya'll for all the prayers, and encouraging comments. Ya'll have been there so much for me in the past year and there's not words to express my appreciation.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Prayers Please
I won't go into a lot of detail. But I have been having some female issues, so this morning I called the Doctor and told them something had to be done.
I'm scheduled for a D & C tomorrow at 1:00, he says unless he sees something else that shouldn't be there, then he would stop and schedule a hysterectomy. The words cervical and ovarian cancer did come up and hasn't been ruled out.
So please keep me in your prayers.
Will be pretty loopy tomorrow from the pain meds but will update as soon as possible.
Thank you.
I'm scheduled for a D & C tomorrow at 1:00, he says unless he sees something else that shouldn't be there, then he would stop and schedule a hysterectomy. The words cervical and ovarian cancer did come up and hasn't been ruled out.
So please keep me in your prayers.
Will be pretty loopy tomorrow from the pain meds but will update as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Hodgepodge Wednesday
Wednesday's Hodgepodge hosted by Joyce. Grab the questions, answer them and link to the rest of us. Have fun.
1. What is something that bothers you if it is not done perfectly?
Well I would have use to of said clothes hanging in a closet, or my cans and spices being in ABC order. But I'm learning not to be so anal. I use to hang Makayla's clothes not only all in the same direction, shirts together, shorts together, etc. But I would hang all the white shirts together, blue shirts, etc. You get the idea. And they would always start from the left to the right and be in primary colors, secondary colors, and neutrals, in that order.
2. What is one of your best childhood memories?
Only naming one is hard, but being that I can't make memories with my Dad anymore. I will say anytime I spent with him one on one. Either out in the garden, or years later when he taught me how to drive.
3. Do you plan to watch the Royal Wedding and when was the last time you wore a hat?
Well considering that to watch it live would be at 4:00AM. I'm sure I will probably watch it later in the day at some point.
I don't wear hats.
4. Where do you fall in the birth order in your family? Do you think this has influenced your personality?
I'm number 5 of 6. But was always labeled as the baby girl, so I think in a way I was raised as the baby.
5. Where do you think you spend most of your money?
The biggest bill is our house payment.
6. When you need to confront someone would you rather communicate in person, on the phone, by email or by letter? Why?
Depends on who it is. I'm not a confrontational person. If it's family probably in person or by phone. A business either by phone or email.
7. Dodge ball, freeze tag, kickball or jump rope? You have to pick one.
jump rope.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I read MaryBeth Chapman's book (Choosing To See) this week. If you haven't read it yet, you should. Wonderful book. It makes you laugh, cry, and laugh some more.
1. What is something that bothers you if it is not done perfectly?
Well I would have use to of said clothes hanging in a closet, or my cans and spices being in ABC order. But I'm learning not to be so anal. I use to hang Makayla's clothes not only all in the same direction, shirts together, shorts together, etc. But I would hang all the white shirts together, blue shirts, etc. You get the idea. And they would always start from the left to the right and be in primary colors, secondary colors, and neutrals, in that order.
2. What is one of your best childhood memories?
Only naming one is hard, but being that I can't make memories with my Dad anymore. I will say anytime I spent with him one on one. Either out in the garden, or years later when he taught me how to drive.
3. Do you plan to watch the Royal Wedding and when was the last time you wore a hat?
Well considering that to watch it live would be at 4:00AM. I'm sure I will probably watch it later in the day at some point.
I don't wear hats.
4. Where do you fall in the birth order in your family? Do you think this has influenced your personality?
I'm number 5 of 6. But was always labeled as the baby girl, so I think in a way I was raised as the baby.
5. Where do you think you spend most of your money?
The biggest bill is our house payment.
6. When you need to confront someone would you rather communicate in person, on the phone, by email or by letter? Why?
Depends on who it is. I'm not a confrontational person. If it's family probably in person or by phone. A business either by phone or email.
7. Dodge ball, freeze tag, kickball or jump rope? You have to pick one.
jump rope.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I read MaryBeth Chapman's book (Choosing To See) this week. If you haven't read it yet, you should. Wonderful book. It makes you laugh, cry, and laugh some more.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
TSMSS.................Happy Easter
I have so many favorite songs for Easter. Here is a few.
Join Amy over at Signs, Miracles, and Wonders for more great music.
Join Amy over at Signs, Miracles, and Wonders for more great music.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Flashback Friday

If you would like to join in grab the questions from Linda and link back to her. Have fun.
Do you have any memories of gardens from your growing-up years? Did your parents have a flower garden? Was landscaping important to them? Did they take care of the yard themselves or have someone else do it? What about a vegetable garden? Did your family have one and was it big or small? Any fruit trees? Did your mom (or anyone) "put up" (as we say in the South) or can the bounty from a garden? What involvement did you and any siblings have in planting? Was growing things encouraged, discouraged, or treated with ambivalence? What is your attitude, ability and involvement in gardening today?
During my growing up years, my Dad always planted a garden on Good Friday. I'm not sure if it was required of us to help, but most of the time I did. He would show me how to drop the seeds and then he would walk behind me and cover them while I dropped them. I can remember digging potatoes, picking green beans, and corn. There were other vegetables in the garden but Mama always cut the okra and picked the cucumbers. The potatoes were always the first few rows then the peas and beans. Corn would always be the last few rows. I shelled many a bean, and peas, and shucked corn. My maternal grandmother would come sometimes and stay and help get everything put in the freezer. Then when we would go to her house on some Saturdays, there would always be beans, or peas to shell. I don't remember my Mom ever putting them in jars. It was always bags, or plastic freezer containers. They would sit on the kitchen counter until they were cool enough to put in the freezer.
But the one thing I regret now is never hanging around to see how they put them up. A couple of years ago when Scott decided to plant a garden he was surprised that I didn't know how to put anything up to go in the freezer. I had to call my Mom and learn about blanching vegetables.
There was a pear tree way off to the right of the garden. It was always loaded down with pears. My Mama would make pear cobblers, or pear tarts from them. But my favorite was just to eat them like an apple. You don't find pears like that anymore.
My Dad, or brothers always cut the grass themselves. I don't remember anyone ever doing it for us. I'm sure as I got older I cut my share. There was a row of azaleas beside the driveway separating it from the where the garden was. I can remember my Mama out there pulling up weeds around them. Then we had some kind of purple flowers along the back of the house. I don't remember the name of them, but I remember cutting them down when we cut the grass and they would come right back. Finally years later, Mama offered them to a neighbor and they got out there and dug them up.
As we got older and I guess Mama had more time to be outside she started a rose garden. I wish I had pictures on here because she could grow them so pretty. Maybe that's where I get my love for roses from, and that's one thing I can grow. I love roses, but I want colors you don't see ofter, not reds, and pinks. I have never been able to take flower seeds and plant them and they grow. I have always had to buy the plants and they would last and do well.
It's strange how memories come back from so many years ago. I never realized then the importance of growing a garden, but we had vegetables that lasted until the next year by doing so.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Wednesday Hodge Podge
It's Wednesday, hump day, or also know as day for Hodge Podge over at Joyce's. You know the routine, grab the questions, answer them and link up with the rest of us.
1. Would you rather talk to everyone at a crowded party for a short time or have a significant conversation with two people?
I'm not one for crowds so significant conversation with two people would be just fine.
2. What objects do you remember from your parent's living room?
I can't think of anything out of the ordinary. Typical living room, a sofa, end tables, recliner, and a tv.
3. Do you hog the bed? Steal the covers? Snore?
No I definitely don't hog the bed. I sleep as close to the edge as I can because I have a fan on my nightstand. And it must be on at night. Can't say that I steal the covers, but if I do I'm sure he pulls them back. Scott says occasionally that I snore, but I don't think I do. I have on occasion when extremely tired woke myself up with my own snoring but that's not often.
4. Speaking of Easter dinner....what is your favorite way to cook/eat lamb? Or does just the thought of that make you squeamish? If you're not cooking lamb what will be your entree du jour on Easter Sunday?
I have never cooked lamb. I can remember once my Mom cooking leg of lamb. Don't remember anything about it, but if she only cooked it once it must not have went over well.
I usually bake a ham for Easter.
5. Let's throw some politics into this week's mix-oooohhh...Do you know the whereabouts of your birth certificate and when was the last time you had to produce it to prove you're you?
Yes, I know exactly where my birth certificate is. On the shelf in my closet in a safe box. I can't remember the last time, maybe when I got my driver's license.
6. As a child, how did people describe you?
quiet, and picky eater is the only two things that pop in my head at the moment.
7. What do you complain about the most?
I try not to complain, but people that really shouldn't be driving. Like the woman I was behind Saturday that was going 15mph and passed 3 places she could have turned into after turning on her blinker. Not to mention that when she did finally turn she came to a complete stop to do it.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
32 more school days. I don't know who gets more excited, me or Makayla. Also seven weeks until the due date of my first grandson. I know who's definitely more excited about that one would be Megan. She said last week he's already turned and dropped so she is soooo uncomfortable. Just hope he's not late like Emily was.
1. Would you rather talk to everyone at a crowded party for a short time or have a significant conversation with two people?
I'm not one for crowds so significant conversation with two people would be just fine.
2. What objects do you remember from your parent's living room?
I can't think of anything out of the ordinary. Typical living room, a sofa, end tables, recliner, and a tv.
3. Do you hog the bed? Steal the covers? Snore?
No I definitely don't hog the bed. I sleep as close to the edge as I can because I have a fan on my nightstand. And it must be on at night. Can't say that I steal the covers, but if I do I'm sure he pulls them back. Scott says occasionally that I snore, but I don't think I do. I have on occasion when extremely tired woke myself up with my own snoring but that's not often.
4. Speaking of Easter dinner....what is your favorite way to cook/eat lamb? Or does just the thought of that make you squeamish? If you're not cooking lamb what will be your entree du jour on Easter Sunday?
I have never cooked lamb. I can remember once my Mom cooking leg of lamb. Don't remember anything about it, but if she only cooked it once it must not have went over well.
I usually bake a ham for Easter.
5. Let's throw some politics into this week's mix-oooohhh...Do you know the whereabouts of your birth certificate and when was the last time you had to produce it to prove you're you?
Yes, I know exactly where my birth certificate is. On the shelf in my closet in a safe box. I can't remember the last time, maybe when I got my driver's license.
6. As a child, how did people describe you?
quiet, and picky eater is the only two things that pop in my head at the moment.
7. What do you complain about the most?
I try not to complain, but people that really shouldn't be driving. Like the woman I was behind Saturday that was going 15mph and passed 3 places she could have turned into after turning on her blinker. Not to mention that when she did finally turn she came to a complete stop to do it.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
32 more school days. I don't know who gets more excited, me or Makayla. Also seven weeks until the due date of my first grandson. I know who's definitely more excited about that one would be Megan. She said last week he's already turned and dropped so she is soooo uncomfortable. Just hope he's not late like Emily was.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Tickets on a budget
When shopping or buying anything online, I always make sure it's a secure site. But I also like when I find one that is approved by the BBB. I have found another such website. It's a website to find area concert, sports, and theater tickets. It's called acheapseat .
Whether it's jazz tickets you are looking for or tickets to the next concert. You can find it there. Sports tickets, whether it's baseball or the Kentucky Derby. But there was one I had to look up and find out what it is. It's called Bamboozle. I'm sure if I lived in New Jersey I probably would have known. It's an annual music festival. It made it's debut in 2004 with over 50 bands on six stages. Then in 2006 it had over 150 bands on six stages.
You can search either by city, or by event. For example when you click on concert, it gives you a list of hundreds of groups to search. Or you can search the city your interested in. If yours isn't in the drop down just type it in. Ours is a relatively small town but when I typed it in, it was there.
Then once you order your tickets they are delivered to your door via FedEx. There is a seating chart available for most events. So you can see exactly where you will be seating.
Last but not least there's a 100% guarantee.
This is a sponsored post but all opinions are my own.
Whether it's jazz tickets you are looking for or tickets to the next concert. You can find it there. Sports tickets, whether it's baseball or the Kentucky Derby. But there was one I had to look up and find out what it is. It's called Bamboozle. I'm sure if I lived in New Jersey I probably would have known. It's an annual music festival. It made it's debut in 2004 with over 50 bands on six stages. Then in 2006 it had over 150 bands on six stages.
You can search either by city, or by event. For example when you click on concert, it gives you a list of hundreds of groups to search. Or you can search the city your interested in. If yours isn't in the drop down just type it in. Ours is a relatively small town but when I typed it in, it was there.
Then once you order your tickets they are delivered to your door via FedEx. There is a seating chart available for most events. So you can see exactly where you will be seating.
Last but not least there's a 100% guarantee.
This is a sponsored post but all opinions are my own.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Car Repairs
Being a female I almost refuse to take my car to a mechanic. But sometimes it can't be helped especially with Scott traveling so much. I can remember when Scott and I was dating and I took my car to a mechanic. I took the paper I received from the mechanic showing what work needed to be done on my car and what it would cost. Then I took the estimate to Scott and he looked it over and pointed out a part that they wanted to replace that wasn't even on my car.
Well I found this website called RepairPal that is approved by the BBB. You can go it and find mechanics in the area in which you live. My car is needing it's tires rotated and balanced so I went on RepairPal and not only found a mechanic close by but also an estimate of what it should cost me.
On RepairPal, you can also list the cars that you own and any car repair and maintenance you may have done on your car. It will keep track of it all for you. It will also let you know of any recalls there may be.
Last but not least it has a column as referred to as encyclopedia. There it gives you helpful hints for the maintenance of your car.
The best part of it all it's free. RepairPal has quick and easy sign-up, just and e-mail address and to know the make and year of your car. Very simple.
This is a sponsored post but all opinions are my own.
Well I found this website called RepairPal that is approved by the BBB. You can go it and find mechanics in the area in which you live. My car is needing it's tires rotated and balanced so I went on RepairPal and not only found a mechanic close by but also an estimate of what it should cost me.
On RepairPal, you can also list the cars that you own and any car repair and maintenance you may have done on your car. It will keep track of it all for you. It will also let you know of any recalls there may be.
Last but not least it has a column as referred to as encyclopedia. There it gives you helpful hints for the maintenance of your car.
The best part of it all it's free. RepairPal has quick and easy sign-up, just and e-mail address and to know the make and year of your car. Very simple.
This is a sponsored post but all opinions are my own.
Wednesday Hodge Podge
Welcome to this week's edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge, the day we link our answers for all the world to see. So hop over to Joyce's and join in the fun.
1. National Read a Road Map Day falls on April 5th. Would people say you have a good sense of direction? Do you rely on a GPS when you drive somewhere new? When was the last time you used a map?
Sense of direction, Scott would definitely tell you NO. Especially when Megan and I travel together. We seemed to always go the most out of way possible. You can read about our last excursion here .
I honestly can't remember the last time I used a map. With the age of computer I usually map quest the directions and just take them with me.
2. What's your favorite cookbook?
Well it would be a toss-up between a cookbook from the church I attended most of my life, and a cookbook that came from a Baptist church we attended around the time Michael was born.
To me church cookbooks are awesome especially the older the better is great for southern cooking.
3. What painting would you like to "walk into" and experience? Why?
Well honestly I couldn't think of one, until I read Donna's. I totally agree with her it would be awesome and in such awe to have been there.
4. What annoys you more- misspellings or mispronunciations?
misspellings, I use spell check for everything, and I wish facebook had spell check because there is definitely some people that need to use it.
5. What is something your mother or father considered important?
There's so many things I can think of for this one. But the most important one would be their salvation. Their love for Jesus shone through to their love for their family, their church, and their neighbors.
6. Do you like or dislike schedules?
I like schedules. I like to know what I'm going to be doing when.
7. Let's have some fun with National Poetry Month (that would be April)...write your own ending to this poem-
"Roses are Red
Violets are blue..."
What would we do without these
interesting questions
To answer each week.
Incidentally if you'd like to read the history behind that little ditty you'll find it here.
8. Insert your own random thought in this space.
Spring Break this week. Monday I had Emily overnight so she, Makayla, and myself planted some flower seeds. She loves being outside. Then Tuesday we all went to Monkey Joe's.
Today Makayla has been practicing learning how to decorate a cake. Linda use to decorate the cakes for all the kid's birthdays. She has since given me all her supplies. So we got her in the kitchen showing us how to use everything. Her vision did okay for about an hour and now she's tired so it's fading out again.
1. National Read a Road Map Day falls on April 5th. Would people say you have a good sense of direction? Do you rely on a GPS when you drive somewhere new? When was the last time you used a map?
Sense of direction, Scott would definitely tell you NO. Especially when Megan and I travel together. We seemed to always go the most out of way possible. You can read about our last excursion here .
I honestly can't remember the last time I used a map. With the age of computer I usually map quest the directions and just take them with me.
2. What's your favorite cookbook?
Well it would be a toss-up between a cookbook from the church I attended most of my life, and a cookbook that came from a Baptist church we attended around the time Michael was born.
To me church cookbooks are awesome especially the older the better is great for southern cooking.
3. What painting would you like to "walk into" and experience? Why?
Well honestly I couldn't think of one, until I read Donna's. I totally agree with her it would be awesome and in such awe to have been there.
4. What annoys you more- misspellings or mispronunciations?
misspellings, I use spell check for everything, and I wish facebook had spell check because there is definitely some people that need to use it.
5. What is something your mother or father considered important?
There's so many things I can think of for this one. But the most important one would be their salvation. Their love for Jesus shone through to their love for their family, their church, and their neighbors.
6. Do you like or dislike schedules?
I like schedules. I like to know what I'm going to be doing when.
7. Let's have some fun with National Poetry Month (that would be April)...write your own ending to this poem-
"Roses are Red
Violets are blue..."
What would we do without these
interesting questions
To answer each week.
Incidentally if you'd like to read the history behind that little ditty you'll find it here.
8. Insert your own random thought in this space.
Spring Break this week. Monday I had Emily overnight so she, Makayla, and myself planted some flower seeds. She loves being outside. Then Tuesday we all went to Monkey Joe's.
Today Makayla has been practicing learning how to decorate a cake. Linda use to decorate the cakes for all the kid's birthdays. She has since given me all her supplies. So we got her in the kitchen showing us how to use everything. Her vision did okay for about an hour and now she's tired so it's fading out again.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
TSMSS..................Until The Whole World Hears
For some wonderful music join in with Amy for Then Sings My Soul Saturday. You won't regret it, it's a great way to get your day going.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Praying for the salvation of our children
How often do we truly pray for our children? Everyday, once a week, or only when their sick or in a crisis.
It really bothers me that two of my three children aren't actively involved in church right now. And all three of my step-children aren't in church. And it makes me wonder how I can pray more effectively for them.
Then last night in Bible Study our pastor asked "when was the last time we weeped for the lost?"
An important part of our job is to keep the details of our child's life covered in prayer. In doing this we learn to identify every concern, fear, and worry.
"The effective and fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." James 5:16
The battle of our children's lives is won on our knees. When we don't pray it's like sitting on the sidelines watching our children in a war zone getting shot at every angle. When we pray, we're in the battle alongside them.
Satan can do alot of damage if we don't teach them God's way and God's word and help them to respect God's laws.
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he won't depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
I feel alot of times that I have failed my children in the way I raised them. I didn't always attend church the way I should when Megan was young, up until Michael was born. Then after the divorce I got away from the church again for awhile. And I know I have definitely not prayed for them as much as I could. We should start praying for them before they are born and continue to pray for them.
The peer pressures, and temptations that they face today are mind boggling. And they seem to begin at a younger and younger age.
I can't remember my children ever giving me a hard time about not wanting to attend church. But Brianna is at the rebellious stage of everything right now. They're only here every other weekend if that so it's hard to actually force her to go. They live with their Mom and she doesn't attend church so it makes it harder for us. But what do you do when they're 13 and refuse to get dressed. Scott took her cell phone, and we password protected the computer while we were at church. But her Mom pays the cell phone bill so we can't keep it from her except for when she's here with us.
I got so upset with her the last time she was here, I told her if she dies a sinner she will spend eternity in hell. And all the times we have begged you to go to church will come back to your memory. All the times you sat in church and tried to sleep you will be reminded of all the chances you had and didn't take them.
Possible the hardest part of praying for our children is waiting for our prayers to be answerd. Sometimes the answers come quickly, but many times they do not. When they don't we can become discouraged, or even angry at God. Everything seems hopeless, and we want to give up. Sometimes, in spite of all we've done for them and all our prayers for them, our children make poor choices and then reap the consequesnces. Those times are hard for a parent to watch, no matter how old the child. Instead of giving up, we have to be even more committed to prayer.
We have to remember too, that our fight is not with our child. It's with the devil. He is out to steal, kill, and destroy. He is your enemmy, not your child.
I realize that parenting a child in the way you would want me to is beyond my human abilities. I need you to help me. I need your strength and patience, along with a generous portion of your love flowing thorugh me. Teach me how to love the way you love. Help me to walk in righteousness and integrity before you. Teach me Your ways, enable me to obey your commandments and do only what is pleasing in Your sight. May the beauty of Your Spirit be so evident in me that I will be a Godly role model. Give me the communication, teaching, and nurturing skills that I must have. Help me to be the parent you want me to be and teach me how to pray and truly intercede for the life of my children. In Jesus name I ask that you will increase my faith to believe for all the things You've put on my heart to pray for concerning my children.
Excerpts from The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian
It really bothers me that two of my three children aren't actively involved in church right now. And all three of my step-children aren't in church. And it makes me wonder how I can pray more effectively for them.
Then last night in Bible Study our pastor asked "when was the last time we weeped for the lost?"
An important part of our job is to keep the details of our child's life covered in prayer. In doing this we learn to identify every concern, fear, and worry.
"The effective and fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." James 5:16
The battle of our children's lives is won on our knees. When we don't pray it's like sitting on the sidelines watching our children in a war zone getting shot at every angle. When we pray, we're in the battle alongside them.
Satan can do alot of damage if we don't teach them God's way and God's word and help them to respect God's laws.
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he won't depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
I feel alot of times that I have failed my children in the way I raised them. I didn't always attend church the way I should when Megan was young, up until Michael was born. Then after the divorce I got away from the church again for awhile. And I know I have definitely not prayed for them as much as I could. We should start praying for them before they are born and continue to pray for them.
The peer pressures, and temptations that they face today are mind boggling. And they seem to begin at a younger and younger age.
I can't remember my children ever giving me a hard time about not wanting to attend church. But Brianna is at the rebellious stage of everything right now. They're only here every other weekend if that so it's hard to actually force her to go. They live with their Mom and she doesn't attend church so it makes it harder for us. But what do you do when they're 13 and refuse to get dressed. Scott took her cell phone, and we password protected the computer while we were at church. But her Mom pays the cell phone bill so we can't keep it from her except for when she's here with us.
I got so upset with her the last time she was here, I told her if she dies a sinner she will spend eternity in hell. And all the times we have begged you to go to church will come back to your memory. All the times you sat in church and tried to sleep you will be reminded of all the chances you had and didn't take them.
Possible the hardest part of praying for our children is waiting for our prayers to be answerd. Sometimes the answers come quickly, but many times they do not. When they don't we can become discouraged, or even angry at God. Everything seems hopeless, and we want to give up. Sometimes, in spite of all we've done for them and all our prayers for them, our children make poor choices and then reap the consequesnces. Those times are hard for a parent to watch, no matter how old the child. Instead of giving up, we have to be even more committed to prayer.
We have to remember too, that our fight is not with our child. It's with the devil. He is out to steal, kill, and destroy. He is your enemmy, not your child.
I realize that parenting a child in the way you would want me to is beyond my human abilities. I need you to help me. I need your strength and patience, along with a generous portion of your love flowing thorugh me. Teach me how to love the way you love. Help me to walk in righteousness and integrity before you. Teach me Your ways, enable me to obey your commandments and do only what is pleasing in Your sight. May the beauty of Your Spirit be so evident in me that I will be a Godly role model. Give me the communication, teaching, and nurturing skills that I must have. Help me to be the parent you want me to be and teach me how to pray and truly intercede for the life of my children. In Jesus name I ask that you will increase my faith to believe for all the things You've put on my heart to pray for concerning my children.
Excerpts from The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wednesday Hodge Podge
Well it's Wednesday so most of us know it's time for Wednesday Hodge Podge. So jump over to Joyce's and join in.
1. April rolls in at the end of this week and in celebration of that infamous date (April 1st) answer this
question-What is something foolish you've done?
The only thing I can think of at the moment, is Makayla and I met Megan and Emily at Chick-Fil-A a while back. When Megan saw me she asked me if I knew that I had my shirt on wrong side out. I said no and went right then to the bathroom and fixed it. Not really sure if anyone else noticed, didn't see anybody laughing other than my daughters.
2. With April comes Easter and that classic edible treat known as Peeps...so tell me...what's your favorite way to fix/eat chicken? That wasn't what you were expecting, was it? I 'fooled' you. teehee.
Wow! I almost answered it that I don't eat Peeps. But chicken, would have to be chicken and dumplings. Yum!!!
3. What's the best museum you've ever visited? Or your favorite? Or the one you'd most like to visit?
Not really sure. Ony one I can think of that I have been to is the Smithsonian Institute and that was in the late 1970's. Would love to go back to Washington DC and take my kids.
4. You know what they say about April showers...what's your preference-a shower or a bath?
A shower.
5. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"...fact or fiction? Why?
True, as the weather gets warmer Scott travels more. That's what happens when your a commercial heating and air technician. And it gets hard spending only two days a week with him, so I cherish the time we have together even more.
6. What's your favorite product made/grown in your home state/province?
Peanuts is the first one that comes to mind. We even have a peanut festival in August.
7. What is going on in the world today that affects you the most?
The economy. Gas, groceries, utilities, and the dreaded taxes. I wonder sometimes how much more can of an increase can the average family stand. Most don't like to admit it but we live paycheck to paycheck and just pray no emergency comes up.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Reference to #6, must be why I'm having a hard time going to sleep tonight. lol
1. April rolls in at the end of this week and in celebration of that infamous date (April 1st) answer this
question-What is something foolish you've done?
The only thing I can think of at the moment, is Makayla and I met Megan and Emily at Chick-Fil-A a while back. When Megan saw me she asked me if I knew that I had my shirt on wrong side out. I said no and went right then to the bathroom and fixed it. Not really sure if anyone else noticed, didn't see anybody laughing other than my daughters.
2. With April comes Easter and that classic edible treat known as Peeps...so tell me...what's your favorite way to fix/eat chicken? That wasn't what you were expecting, was it? I 'fooled' you. teehee.
Wow! I almost answered it that I don't eat Peeps. But chicken, would have to be chicken and dumplings. Yum!!!
3. What's the best museum you've ever visited? Or your favorite? Or the one you'd most like to visit?
Not really sure. Ony one I can think of that I have been to is the Smithsonian Institute and that was in the late 1970's. Would love to go back to Washington DC and take my kids.
4. You know what they say about April showers...what's your preference-a shower or a bath?
A shower.
5. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"...fact or fiction? Why?
True, as the weather gets warmer Scott travels more. That's what happens when your a commercial heating and air technician. And it gets hard spending only two days a week with him, so I cherish the time we have together even more.
6. What's your favorite product made/grown in your home state/province?
Peanuts is the first one that comes to mind. We even have a peanut festival in August.
7. What is going on in the world today that affects you the most?
The economy. Gas, groceries, utilities, and the dreaded taxes. I wonder sometimes how much more can of an increase can the average family stand. Most don't like to admit it but we live paycheck to paycheck and just pray no emergency comes up.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Reference to #6, must be why I'm having a hard time going to sleep tonight. lol
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Introduction please
I want to introduce ya'll to a new blogger. She's a great friend of mine, and also my cousin. But more than that she has a wonderful annointed voice. I hope one day she can post a video of her singing at her church.
Her blog is Crea's Corner of the World, and her name is Lucretia, but everyone just calls her Crea .
She's loves God, her family, and her church.
She's just getting started so hop on over and say hi, and introduce yourself. I've told her how ya'll are such a great group of christian bloggers.
Visit her often I'm sure you wont' be dissapointed by her uplifting, and sometimes funny posts.
Her blog is Crea's Corner of the World, and her name is Lucretia, but everyone just calls her Crea .
She's loves God, her family, and her church.
She's just getting started so hop on over and say hi, and introduce yourself. I've told her how ya'll are such a great group of christian bloggers.
Visit her often I'm sure you wont' be dissapointed by her uplifting, and sometimes funny posts.
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