Inside specially marked boxes of General Mills cereals, you’ll “commence operations” with one of five characters from The Penguins of Madagascar; Skipper, Rico, Kowalski, Private or King Julien. Each participating cereal contains one character launcher with mission details outlined on the back of the box including:
Dive In, Soldier – Set an empty plastic cereal bowl on the table and try to pop your launcher into it. Wear a helmet or you’ll be squid bait.
Longest Propulsion Launcher – Challenge your troops to see who can launch their character the furthest. Go long or go back to the zoo.
Target Practice – Create a landing zone with a spoon and try to strategically drop your character into the sweet spot. Hit the target or go back to the drawing board.
Clear the Wall – Do you have enough projectile pop to push your launcher over the top of the box? Proceed launchin’ troops, earn those wings!
Each character is unique and has their own specific role, and together, they’re a team with lots of character. With five character launchers to collect, make a splash this summer and try to successfully complete all of their missions.
If you would like a chance to win this great giveaway just leave a comment telling which character from Penguins of Madagascar is your's or your child's favorite.
One fortunate winner will be chosen next Wednesday August 11th.
The prize packs and information were all given to me from General Mills and Nickelodeon through MyBlogSpark.)