For some reason this morning my mind seems to be going in all different directions and not really on blogging. Sorta a BLAH morning. It's dreary here, chance of rain and we're suppose to take the kids to the county fair tonight. Only night that my two step-kids will be here to go with us. So I sit here and ponder, do I blog about all the awesome giveaways I've come across. Then I saw an idea from Jessica over at http://wrongweek.blogspot.com/2009/10/spreading-love-this-saturday.html I'm not
Blogs that have information on them. Not just your everyday happenings.
http://faithfulbloggers.com/blogging/using-your-blog-for-good Using your blog for good, there's some great tips, so go check them out.
http://www.blogcoach.org/ This is another one with great blogging tips.
http://yourlittlebirdie.blogspot.com/ For a really cute little girls bathroom idea. Very simple and affordable.
http://www.deepsouthdish.com/ Are you looking for some great southern recipes? Look no further she has plenty of them. I'm trying her sour cream biscuits soon.
http://2setsoftwins-helene.blogspot.com/ Found this one recently, always good for a laugh or two. She's handling life with 2 sets of twins. More power to her. I couldn't do it.
http://notimeforflashcards.com/ This one has great activities for young children. She's uses simple everyday stuff you have around the house.
http://ordinarychristianwomansheart.blogspot.com/ When I need encouragement I go to read Jennifer's blog. She is so real. She comes across as the type that she is what she is. That no matter where you might see her, or what day it is, she's still the same.
http://www.survivalmodeparent.org/ Mandy has started a wonderful volunteer program. If you have ever had a child in the hospital you know there's always so much that is needed to be done back at home. If nothing but a hot meal for those at home, or bring one to you. You can't stand but so much take-out. Go check her out she can explain it so much better than I can.
I could go on and on but for some reason it won't copy and paste or link anymore and it's just too frustrating. Just check out my blogroll, trust me there is plenty there. The kids are waking up and are wanting breakfast. Clothes need to be folded, and dishes washed.