Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday Hodge Podge

It's Wednesday or as some would say hump day.  Or rather time for hodge podge.  By now you know the routine.  Here's the link join in on the fun.

It's that most wonderful time of the season! Do you complete your own returns or farm that job out to the professionals?
We let the professionals at H & R Block fill them out.  It just seems easier since we have to itemize.

2. This next question comes from Kansas Bob...he posed it in his response to something I asked in an earlier Wednesday post and I asked him if I could add it to the Hodgepodge some day. Today's the day....
Which do you think has changed you more-love or pain?
That's a hard one.  I have changed from my past because of God's love for me.  But I also know I have changed because of past hurts.  I'm sure the love outweighs the hurt.

3. Tangerine Tango has been named color of the year for 2012. Your thoughts? Would I find this color anywhere in your house? How about in your closet? If not, will you be adding this color to your life in some way in 2012? If you're not sure what tangerine tango looks like click here.
Can't think of anywhere it would be anywhere in my house or closet.  After looking at it I can't see myself buying clothing that color.  Lighter as more of a coral maybe. 

4. Are you a collector? What do you collect and does it get admired, used, and/or dusted regularly?
I use to collect angels but I haven't bought one in years.  I have gotten rid of some even, because of them being dust collectors.  LOL

5. February is National Heart Month...besides a green salad what is one tasty heart healthy dish you like to prepare?
I know chicken and fish is also good for your heart so I guess something as simple as baked chicken breasts.

6. When was the last time you had car trouble?
I believe it was a couple of years ago when Makayla was in the 4th grade.  I would pick her up from school and so not to be at the very back of the car pool line I would get there early.  There was a couple of days that once the line started moving my car wouldn't start.  Fortunately both times there was someone at the front of the line that came back around and jumped off the battery.

7. Have you been more demanding on yourself lately or less? Is that a good trend?
I'm not sure if I am more demanding of myself, but I feel sometimes like I find myself feeling overwhelmed when I can't get everything done that I need to get done.  There's so many that depends on me and I feel stretched in all different directions at times.  I keep saying that I have to make more time for my kids and then something happens and I'm pulled somewhere else.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
It was so strange waking up this morning and wanting to go walking.  It's been a long time since I have had this kind of energy.  I did 15 minutes on the elliptical last night while watching the Biggest Loser, instead of eating junk food.