Let's try this again. I had the entire post typed out and then it all just disappeared. Blogger is really trying my patience. Anyways it's Wednesday so it's time for Joyce's Hodge Podge.
1. What reveals more about a woman-her refrigerator or her purse?
Her purse. Even though I'm not one of those women that carry a big purse, but I have seen some that's big enough to carry everything but the kitchen sink in it.
2. When was the last time you went to the zoo? Where? What's your favorite zoo animal?
I took Brianna, Kenneth, and Makayla to the Jacksonville Zoo during Spring Break in 2008.
Not sure I have a favorite but anything but the reptile section is fine.
3. What social issue fires you up?
There is quite a few, but I will choose one that's effecting me and Makayla. Bullying, she has had to deal with it more this year than any other. Nothing major but it's frustrating that our kids can't just go to school and learn. But they have to deal with bullying. I picked her up yesterday a little early for a dentist appointment. When she got in the car she broke down crying and I asked her what in the world was wrong. She said they were out on the playground and another girl had a tic-tac mint container and kept opening and closing it right in her face. Finally I guess it got the best of her and she said she pushed the girl away from her. So naturally the other girl went and told the teacher, and the teacher told Makayla she was in trouble. But then they came and got her and told her I was there to pick her up.
I made light of the fact of her being in trouble. Maybe that was wrong, but she's like me she takes so much and then she just lets them have it.
4. Are you a coupon clipper? If so, are you extreme?
I take it by spells. I go for weeks clipping and printing and then I stop. I have never been one of those that saved more than they spent. Just don't understand how they do that.
5. What is one of your favorite souvenirs brought back from your travels?
Not that many travels, but I do enjoy taking lots of pictures.
6. Lemon meringue or key lime?
Neither one really as far as pie. But I do like key lime cake, and candy.
7. What is the most beautiful word you know in any language?
Strange that you ask, my status on Facebook today is:
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm tired of being so busy. I enjoy having something to do, but it's taking away my blogging time and catching up with my blogging friends.
Our church had a yard sale last Saturday, Thursday night we sorted everything, Friday we priced everything, and then Saturday was the sale. I was tired, very tired. Then Monday back to Savannah to my Mil's to pack and clean. Will we ever get done? God bless her soul, she gets distracted and just when I think we're going to throw some stuff away she decides to keep it. And has to tell me the story behind it.
Then yesterday Makayla had Dentist appt, tomorrow Mil goes for routine check-up at her Doctor,and then Friday I go back to the Doctor.
Megan called me Monday and asked if I was so busy that when the baby is born will I be there. I told her we never plan appts. or packing on Wednesdays so she needed to go in labor on a Wednesday. hehehe
She's 38 weeks so right now she really doesn't care what day of the week he is born on. She's just ready for him to be born.
But next Wednesday would be pretty cool, because it would be a week before Megan's birthday, and Emily was born a week before her Daddy's birthday. I'm just weird like that. Just like I told Scott the other day that my oldest child got married a week before his youngest son's birthday. And now his oldest child is getting married a week after my youngest child's birthday.